This quick test, full of easy-to-miss trick questions, will tell you if you are stupid. At the end of the test you get a graphical badge (with HTML code) to show others how smart / stupid you are.
Click read more to start the quiz!
BTW... I'm only 0% stupid.
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Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Test if you are Stupid
Monday, March 5, 2007
Qnext 3.0 is out!
I just got the e-mail from Qnext saying that Qnext 3.0 is finally out! If any of you have no idea what this program is, it is an amazing P2P program that allows easy accessibility of files from one person to another without ever illegally hosting anything.
Get Qnext 3.0 here
Firefox in all its Glory
Well since I use Firefox and I believe it is way better than IE7 I wanted to share with you the best part about Firefox...EXTENSIONS! Yes I use about 6 or 7 and I am going to link my most used to least used in that order, but I do use everyone of these at some time or another.
Adblock Plus
Tab Mix Plus
Mouse Gestures
Batch Download
Yahoo! Toolbar
I use a few others very occasionally but I do not feel that they work well for everyone and tend to be used on preference. If you use gmail or another online mail service, I would suggest getting their toolbar instead of the Yahoo! one.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
The Impossible Quiz
The Impossible Quiz Deluxe by =Splapp-me-do on deviantART
It truly is impossible yet very entertaining
The Winner Premieres
The Winner, created by the makers of Family Guy, premieres tonight at 8:30 and another episode at 9:30 on Fox. I think it sounds really funny and am hoping it is as good as Family Guy and the rest of Fox's Sunday Night lineup.
The Winner Information
Also a new Family Guy is going to be on at 9:00 between the two new Winner episodes. According to Wikipedia, it is about how Peter takes Quagmire to the airport for work and messes things up, causing Quagmire to lose his job as a pilot. Quagmire can't find another job, so Peter and Cleveland devise a plan to get his old job back. When the plan flops, Quagmire receives advice from his idol, Hugh Hefner.
Suprising How Little History Class Has Taught Us
Name the 50 States in 10 minutes
My first time I got 48/50 states right but it is surprising that I could not finish it off with getting the last two being Montana and Wisconsin.
Post your scores under comments!